Monday, January 20, 2025

Supreme Court Video

 I currently know very little about the Supreme Court. In fact, I didn't even know how many Justices there were. I learned that there were over 100 appointed Supreme Court justices in American History and that they serve an average of 16 years. However, many of them serve longer. According to a quote in the video, becoming a Supreme Court justice is comparable (in rarity) to being struck by lightning. Stating that it was a humbling experience. The Supreme Court is responsible for "drawing boundaries on the governments' power" by telling the President, states, and Congress what to do. I learned that the government was relocated to Washington in 1801, and the Supreme Court lived in temporary housing at the unfinished capitol building. John Marshal had been appointed the Chief Justice at the time. The Dredd Scott case about a black slave named Dredd Scott, where the Supreme Court ruled that blacks could never be citizens is considered the biggest "self-inflicted wound" the court has in its history. This is the most surprising thing I learned, I was unaware of why the Supreme Court was not respected during points in our history but now I am. The Supreme Court receives 7000 new cases per year. They accept around 100 per year. However, each case is individually read and reviewed equally. The most important takeaway point is that the Supreme Court is vital to the successful running of the country. Without it, powers could be unchecked, cases could be made unfair, and the country would not be able to exist the way it has, consistently growing and learning. I did not have a direct opinion on the Supreme Court, I just thought of it as a normal court that just took significant political cases. The video has allowed me to realize just how important their duties are, and how hard the justices work. 

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